Stakeholder Input to Revised Enforcement Policy – Value Added!

How we Regulate_onlyLauren Casey
Enforcement Specialist
Office of Enforcement

The NRC establishes regulations, inspects those we license to make sure they are meeting those regulations and, at times, steps in to enforce regulations that licensees are violating. This last activity – enforcement – is a very important part of NRC’s oversight.

Key elements of the enforcement process are transparency and openness. Because of that, when the NRC determined the Enforcement Policy should be revised to reflect changes in our regulatory environment and the way the NRC and our stakeholders do business, we made sure to get input from you. For example, we held public meetings and asked for public comments in the Federal Register on the proposed revision.

With the information from this outreach in hand, the NRC revised its Enforcement Policy. Some of the major changes are:

• providing guidance for the use of discretion when considering imposing daily civil penalties;

• clarifying that a violation identified at any NRC-licensed facility with an approved Corrective Action Program may be closed-out as a non-cited violation (a violation for which there is no formal enforcement action) when certain conditions are satisfied;

• adding a new section on civil penalties to individuals who release safeguards information; and

• providing guidance regarding the notification of employers when the NRC discovers damaging or disqualifying information about an individual’s trustworthiness and reliability.

The revised NRC’s Enforcement Policy, effective January 28, 2013, can be found here. Changes to the NRC Enforcement Policy since it was first published, with links to a summary of each change and the Federal Register notice for each change, are maintained on the NRC Office of Enforcement webpage

Questions regarding the Enforcement Policy revision can be directed to Lauren Casey at (301) 415-1038.