NRC Notifies Licensees of Sequestration Impacts

Jim Dyer
Chief Financial Officer

The NRC today sent a Regulatory Issue Summary to its licensees, Agreement States and other stakeholders outlining the impact of sequestration on agency activities.

The summary can be found here. Basically, the document says that the NRC expects to take a reduction of $52 million in FY2013 because of sequestration, with cuts scheduled to begin taking place today. It also says that while the cuts are challenging, we will manage them in a way that will not negatively affect our ability to carry out our core mission of public health and safety.

Specific program delays or deferrals that would take place will be communicated to the affected NRC licensees, applicants or other stakeholders before being implemented.

We plan to continue normal operations to the extent possible, and to continue our safety and security oversight activities. Please read the summary for the full text.